Performance Golf SF1 Driver Review


Last updated on July 15, 2024 2:25 pm

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There’s nothing more frustrating than battling a big slice off the tee. It seems like the harder you try to hit the ball straight, the farther offline it slices. But now you can put those days behind you thanks to the Performance Golf SF1 driver. If you fight a slice and haven’t tried this driver, you should. I think you’ll be impressed with how big a difference it can make in your game.

Paul Liberatore Paul Liberatore
February 23, 2024
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You will get: SquareFace Technology accounts for several different design features that help golfers hit straighter drives. AeroSquare Crown, Anti-Slice Face Curvature, Counter-Slice weights, and Draw-Calibrated Face Angle all work together to promote a draw ball flight. Great for mid to high handicap golfers looking to hit the ball straight.

You know what frustrates me to no end when I’m not having a great day on the golf course?  It’s when my slice gets out of control off the tee.  When it goes south, it really goes south for me.  Time after time, my ball starts out down the middle of the fairway only to head violently right into some undesirable den of iniquity.

It was on a particularly bad slicing day that one of my playing partners suggested I try his driver.  Normally I’m pretty hesitant to try other people’s equipment, but on this day, I had nothing to lose.

On the next tee, I grabbed his driver and striped it right down the middle.  Same story on the next hole, and the next. 

It was the Performance Golf SF1 driver. 

This driver is packed full of revolutionary technology designed to help chronic slicers straighten out their tee shots. 

If you fall into this camp like a lot of our Golfer’s Authority readers, stay with me until the end.  We’re going to take a deep dive into why this driver is such a game changer.

Key Features

  • Square Face Technology helps golfers get their face pointing at the target instead of being open.
  • AeroSquare Crown increases toe rotation at impact so golfers can more easily square the clubhead.
  • Anti-Slice Face Curvature produces draw spin to promote a straighter ball flight.
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Who Should Buy the Performance Golf SF1 Driver?

This answer should be pretty obvious by now.  The SF1 is meant for golfers that fight a chronic slice off the tee.  Regardless of your ability as a golfer, if you battle a slice, this driver can do wonders for your game. 

If you’re one of the few golfers that hits a hard hook, this is not the driver for you.

Design and Technology

The Performance Golf SF1 driver has some cutting-edge technology and design features that set it apart from other drivers in its class. 

The overall concept of this driver can be summed up in its SquareFace Technology.  Broadly put, this technology encompasses all the driver’s features that are geared toward helping golfers get rid of their slice.

More specifically, the conversation starts with the SF1’s Anti-Slice Face Curvature.  Just like this feature’s name suggests, the clubface is curved in a way that promotes a square or even closing clubface through impact.  This eliminates slice spin and therefore produces shots that fly straighter. 

Next is the AeroSquare Crown.  This feature allows the clubface to rotate more quickly to a closed position through impact than traditional drivers.  As a result, the open clubface that causes slices is no longer.

Another unique feature is the SF1’s Feedback Takeaway Tracks that promote a takeaway that’s square to the target.  This visual was a big help for me with getting the club started back in the proper direction. 

On the sole of the club toward the heel, you’ll find two Counter-Slice weights.  These were strategically engineered and placed to further promote a square clubface. 

The face angle itself is offset and calibrated for a draw.  Not only does this help golfers hit the ball straighter, it promotes higher launch conditions too.  That means more distance. 

Lastly, the counterbalanced shaft is designed to give golfers more lag and therefore speed through impact.  That’s right, more speed equals more distance. 

The folks at Performance Golf have engineered a revolutionary anti-slice driver with the SF1.  Not only are its tech and design features revolutionary, they flat-out work.

But that’s not all.  You also get some bonuses with the SF1 driver.  The first is the Square-to-Path training video series that helps you improve your swing fundamentals and gain more confidence.  

Next, you get the Swing Speed Secrets Program.  In this series, world-renown coach Hank Haney helps you increase your clubhead speed and gain distance off the tee. 

Lastly, you receive a 14-day free trial to the Scratch Club.  This is the equivalent of Netflix for golf instruction.  If you choose to extend your subscription beyond two weeks, it only costs $29 a month. 

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The Performance Golf SF1 driver is 45” long, has a loft of 12 degrees, a lie angle of 62 degrees, and a D1 swing weight.

Shaft flexes are ladies, soft, senior, regular, and stiff.  All shafts weigh 65 grams.

Our Experience

Ever since that fateful day when I hit my playing partner’s SF1 driver, I’ve been a believer.  Even though it’s not in my bag for every round, I immediately grab it when my slice shows up out of nowhere. 

Having researched the SF1 thoroughly and experienced for myself, each and every one of it’s features, though different from the norm, makes sense and helps golfers hit straighter drives. 

I also like the fact that this driver has so many different shaft options to suit golfers with different swing speeds. 

On the whole, this SF1 driver has been a lifesaver when my slice decides to show up out of nowhere. 

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9.8Expert Score
Performance Golf SF1 Driver Review
Performance Golf SF1 Driver Review

There’s nothing more frustrating than battling a big slice off the tee. It seems like the harder you try to hit the ball straight, the farther offline it slices. But now you can put those days behind you thanks to the Performance Golf SF1 driver. If you fight a slice and haven’t tried this driver, you should. I think you’ll be impressed with how big a difference it can make in your game.

  • SquareFace Technology accounts for several different design features that help golfers hit straighter drives.
  • AeroSquare Crown, Anti-Slice Face Curvature, Counter-Slice weights, and Draw-Calibrated Face
  • Angle all work together to promote a draw ball flight.
  • Great for mid to high handicap golfers looking to hit the ball straight.
  • Driver loft is not adjustable.
  • Not the right driver for golfers that already hit a draw.
  • Some golfers say looking at the closed clubface at address takes some getting used to.


There’s nothing more frustrating than battling a big slice off the tee.  It seems like the harder you try to hit the ball straight, the farther offline it slices.

But now you can put those days behind you thanks to the Performance Golf SF1 driver.  If you fight a slice and haven’t tried this driver, you should.  I think you’ll be impressed with how big a difference it can make in your game.

Paul Liberatore
Paul Liberatore

As the Founder of Golfers Authority Paul Liberatore Esq. has spent the last 7+ years writing about the best golf equipment or instruction from the top golf instructors in the world. He has been a contributing writer for Sports Illustrated Golf and GolfWRX. After graduating with honors from Purdue University, he realized that he had a passion for the golf business and the law. When he's not practicing law, or creating golf content on YouTube, he can be found on his syndicated Behind the Golf Brand podcast talking with the most prolific leaders in the golf industry. 

Performance Golf SF1 Driver Review
Performance Golf SF1 Driver Review


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