Unboxing the TRUE Linkswear Eco Knit Golf Shoes

Unboxing the TRUE Linkswear Eco Knit Golf Shoes

Looking for the best way to save your golf ball and some money? Check out our review on the Best Golf Ball Retrievers

The ECO Knits are lightweight, versatile golf shoes designed with a minimal profile. These no-heel drop shoes are best for players that love to be on their feet and that often play in ideal weather conditions. The ECO Knit are not waterproof although they are impressively water resistant and will hold up in light dews for morning rounds. Golfers that routinely carry their bag or who care more about comfort than anything else will love the ECO Knit shoes.

TRUE Linkswear Eco Knit

Paul Liberatore
Paul Liberatore

As the Founder of Golfers Authority Paul Liberatore Esq. has spent the last 7+ years writing about the best golf equipment or instruction from the top golf instructors in the world. He has been a contributing writer for Sports Illustrated Golf and GolfWRX. After graduating with honors from Purdue University, he realized that he had a passion for the golf business and the law. When he's not practicing law, or creating golf content on YouTube, he can be found on his syndicated Behind the Golf Brand podcast talking with the most prolific leaders in the golf industry. 

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