Yuma Chipper Review

written by Paul Liberatore
Last Modified Date: 
September 21, 2024

I don’t know about you, but if there’s one part of my game that I could stand to improve the most, it’s chipping. 

I work on this part of the game more than any other, and while I’ve certainly improved, I’m still prone to the same chunks and skulls as everyone else with my sand wedge.  It’s infuriating and adds way too many strokes to my score.

When I was at the PGA Show a couple weeks ago, I was fortunate to run into the guys from Power Clinic Golf.  If you’ve never heard of this company, neither had I until recently. 

But they introduced me to their Yuma chipper.  It looks just like a putter and is used like a putter, except for chipping.  And it works.

Key Features

  • Wide, cambered sole prevents the club from digging into the turf.
  • Hollow-bodied head is extremely forgiving on mishits.
  • Large profile makes you feel confident at address.

Who Should Buy the Yuma Chipper?

It doesn’t matter if you’re a scratch player or rank beginner.  If you struggle hitting consistent chips, the Yuma chipper is for you.

That’s because its motion is nothing more than a larger version of your putting stroke; just rock your shoulders.

Coupled with the fact that its head is more forgiving than any other chipping club on the market, and you can say goodbye to poor contact and throwing shots away around the green.
So, if you aren’t afraid to try something a little unconventional, and would like to see more putts go in, there’s no reason not to give the Pyramid Putter a try.

Design and Technology

The tech and design features of the Yuma chipper are pretty simple, but highly functional. 

It starts with a wide, cambered sole that allows the club to glide across the ground instead of digging into it.  In short, it’s next to impossible to chunk or skull chip shots with the Yuma chipper.

This chipper is also shorter and more upright.  It’s about the length of your putter with a similar lie angle.  Since you’re closer to your work, it’s easier to make consistent contact. 

The hollow-body head affords you plenty of forgiveness for those shots when you don’t quite hit the center of the face. 

The overall size of the clubhead is larger than other chippers too.  This not only gives you even more forgiveness, it inspires confidence when you set the club behind the ball.  You just know you’re going to hit a good shot.


  • Wide sole keeps the club from digging.
  • Oversize head inspires confidence.
  • Hollow body increases forgiveness and is very responsive.


  • Might not be the best choice for golfers that like to hit a variety of shots around the green.
  • Low trajectory means chip shots are going to run out.
  • Not meant to be used out of bunkers.


The Yuma Chipper is 36.5 inches in length. Its loft is 36.5 degrees. The lie angle is 68.5 degrees.

Yuma Hybrid Chipper

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Our Experience

When it comes to shooting lower scores, I have no pride and will do anything it takes.  Even if it means chipping with the Yuma Chipper instead of my sand wedge.

And I’ve tried out a lot of chippers in my day.  Some are better than others, but the Yuma chipper is the one that’s impressed me the most. 

I especially like the large head profile.  The sweet spot on this club is huge.  And if you do happen to catch it off the heel or toe, it’s plenty forgiving. 

In short, the Yuma chipper is chipping made simple.


More than any other part of the game, chipping makes amateur golfers look silly.  One shot they chunk right in front of their feet, and the next they skull clear over the green.  Chances are, you know what I’m talking about. 

The Yuma chipper is designed to take all that guesswork out of chipping.  All you have to do is set up to it and make a putting stroke.  It’s almost impossible to mishit.

If you could stand to become more consistent with your chipping, try out the Yuma chipper.  Chances are, you’ll like what you find.

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