Putting TIps

Paul Liberatore
written by Paul Liberatore
Last Modified Date: 
August 13, 2024

Ready to up your putting game? Let's break it down into simple, actionable steps.

First, during your preparation, really focus on where you want that ball to go. Visualizing its path can make a huge difference. A great way to sharpen your accuracy is by trying out the Wiggle Drill. It's a fun way to practice and it helps in getting those putts just right.

Consistency is key. Stick to a routine that builds your confidence each time you putt it. Also, refining your stroke to be smooth and circular can help the ball roll better on the green. How you stand plays a big part too—make sure your posture is helping, not hindering your technique.

Understanding the green's layout and how it behaves can turn a good putt into a great one. If you're serious about improving, consider getting some tailored advice from a pro. They can offer insights and tips that are specifically useful for your style.

Remember, the right strategy on the green not only boosts your confidence but can genuinely lower your scores. Keep exploring new techniques and practicing regularly. The more comfortable you are on the green, the better your performance will be. So, grab your putter and start practicing those skills today!

Target-Oriented Putting Strategy

To enhance your putting skills, concentrate on your target during your pre-putt routine rather than fixating on the mechanics of your stroke. Visualizing the ball's path and focusing on your aim helps with accuracy and distance control. Trust your instincts and visualize where you want the ball to end up. This method simplifies the process, making it more about instinct than technique.

Creating a consistent pre-putt routine that focuses on the target will build your confidence when putting. It's helpful to evaluate the green's slope, speed, and curve before each putt. Imagine the ball traveling and dropping into the hole. This helps your mind stay focused on the outcome rather than getting tangled in technical details.

Shifting your focus to the target rather than the stroke can significantly improve your short game. This strategy allows you to trust your aiming skills more and thus, increase your chances of making those crucial putts. The main idea is to channel your effort towards achieving your goal, which is holding the ball efficiently. By mastering target-oriented putting, you elevate your overall game.

Incorporating such a strategy not only simplifies the process but also makes it more effective. Each putt becomes an opportunity to apply your focus and visualization skills, leading to better performance on the green.

The 'Wiggle Drill' for Accuracy

The 'Wiggle Drill' is a fantastic way to enhance your putting skills by focusing more accurately on your target. This simple technique involves a slight wiggle of the putter before you take your stroke. It not only helps sharpen your focus but also significantly betters your precision on the green. By adding this method to your regular practice, you'll see a noticeable improvement in how you play.

For a clearer understanding of how the 'Wiggle Drill' can elevate your game, consider this brief comparison with other common drills:

  • Wiggle Drill: By wiggling the putter before your stroke, you concentrate better on where you want the ball to go. This improves both your accuracy and precision.
  • Perfect Stroke: This drill teaches you to perfect your putting motion, aiming to make your stroke consistent every time.
  • Target Focus: This involves focusing intently on your target during the setup of your putt, which boosts your chances of making the putt.
  • Alignment Aid: Using tools to help with your setup ensures your putter is correctly aligned, enhancing your aim and direction control.
  • Putting Routine: Developing a consistent routine before each shot helps build your confidence and ease pressure during the game.

Integrating the 'Wiggle Drill' into your practice routine is straightforward and can yield significant benefits. By focusing on aligning your putter accurately and enhancing your concentration on the target, this drill helps refine your putting technique practically and effectively.

Putting TIps

Enhancing Putting Skills With Focus

To boost your putting skills, consistently practicing the 'Wiggle Drill' can make a big difference in how well you aim and control your distance on the green. This drill helps you focus on your target which is crucial for making those important short putts.

The 'Wiggle Drill' specifically helps you concentrate on where you want the ball to go right before you take your shot. It's different from other drills because it doesn't just work on improving your stroke; it trains you to keep your eyes on the target, which is key for accuracy.

It's important to keep doing this drill regularly if you want to see improvement. Golfers who stick with the 'Wiggle Drill' often find that they not only get better at aiming but also feel more confident about their distance control. This makes it easier to handle different kinds of putts during a game.

Professional Putting Performance Tips

To enhance your putting skills, consider getting tips from a PGA instructor. These experts can closely examine your putting technique, offer practical advice, and suggest specific improvements to refine your skills. Personalized coaching can directly address your unique needs, helping you achieve more consistent and accurate putts.

Adding a pre-putt routine can also significantly boost your performance on the green. A reliable routine sets a strong foundation for each putt, reducing uncertainty about alignment, boosting your confidence, and sharpening your focus. By standardizing your approach to positioning and swinging, you'll be better equipped to handle distractions and increase your accuracy.

Practicing various putts is crucial. Spend time working on different lengths, angles, and slopes. This not only enhances your understanding of how much force to apply but also improves your judgment of the putt's path. Regular practice will strengthen your muscle memory and elevate your overall precision in putting.

Mastering the Circular Stroke Technique

Give the circular stroke technique a try in your putting routine to achieve better contact and a smooth roll every time. This method uses a gentle arc in your stroke, guiding the ball more reliably toward the hole. To get it right, keep your underarms snug against your body and ensure that the putter head remains low during the stroke.

Be careful not to straighten your backswing too much. Doing so can cause your arms to disconnect from your body, reducing the effectiveness of your stroke. Also, it's crucial to control the length of your backstroke, particularly on longer putts. By adjusting the backstroke to match the distance of the putt, you help maintain the speed and stability of the putter face when it hits the ball.

Incorporating these adjustments into your routine can lead to more consistent and successful putts. Keeping the technique smooth and controlled helps in making sure the ball stays on a true path to the hole, increasing your chances of sinking it in fewer strokes.

Improving Accuracy Through Posture

To improve your putting accuracy, focus on maintaining a proper posture. Start by leaning forward from your hips, which allows your arms to swing naturally from your shoulders. This position is crucial for a consistent and aligned stroke. Remember to set your feet about as wide as your hips to keep your balance and stability, which are essential for a smooth, controlled putt.

Additionally, practicing your swing without a putter can significantly enhance your technique. This drill fosters a smooth and repeatable motion, crucial for making those important putts. Proper posture helps keep your underarms close to your body, promoting a circular stroke that makes the ball roll straight and true. Mastering this swinging technique is key to consistently achieving accurate putts.

Putting TIps

Reading Putts Effectively

To get better at reading putts, start by taking a look around the hole to spot key features that might affect the path of your putt. Walking around the hole is a smart way to spot the highest point, which can help you predict how your ball will roll. Also, using a green book or a yardage book can give you a clearer picture of the green slope and how the ball might break. Sometimes, you might even need to aim a bit outside the hole to make up for these breaks and slopes.

Take your time to understand the break of the putt. Visualize the route your ball will take to reach the hole. By doing this for each putt, you not only improve your chances but also show respect for the game's challenges, which is key to becoming better at putting.

Here's a breakdown of how to enhance your putting:

  • Spot the high point: Walk around the hole to spot the highest area. This can help you judge how the putt will break.
  • Use a green book: A green book or yardage book can give you valuable insights into the green's characteristics.
  • Adjust your aim: Sometimes, you'll need to aim outside the hole to compensate for the green slopes and breaks.
  • Study the putt: Spend some time studying the break of the putt.
  • Embrace the challenge: Each putt is a new challenge. Embracing this can help improve your performance.

Understanding these elements not only helps in making a good putt but also enriches your overall strategy on the green.


In conclusion, integrating these putting tips will boost your performance on the green. Focusing on your game, maintaining a regular practice schedule, and applying the techniques we've discussed will help you see noticeable improvements in your putting.

When you're next on the golf course, bring your A-game and prepare to impress yourself and your buddies by sinking putts with newfound precision. Remember, it's all about using what you've learned to play like the pros.

Let's make those putts count!

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